This service is available on reservation from Monday to Friday between 6:00 am and 6:00 pm.
This is a public transport service, not a private transport service, which means that most of the transport booked will be combined with other users. Times may vary to maximize travel by combining public and paratransit services.
Paratransit is provided from the accessible exterior door of the departure point to the accessible exterior door of the destination point for users with limitations that meet the eligibility criteria established by the Minister of Transports. This service is available by reservation, Monday to Friday, between 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
This door-to-door transportation service is intended for disabled people as defined by the Act, i.e. people with a persistent and significant physical, organic, visual, intellectual or psychological impairment who are subject to obstacles in the performance of everyday activities. This impairment must limit the person’s mobility, capacity or autonomy to such an extent that he or she would be unable to use a public transit service.
To register and verify your eligibility for paratransit service, you must:
Fill in the appropriate form, downloadable here
You must then send it to us either:
By mail, by printing it
36 Court Street Edmundston, Suite 102, E3V 1S3
By e-mail
Once your paratransit application has been reviewed, a FlexGo Plus representative will inform you of the decision.
To use FlexGo Plus and Taxibus, you must make your reservation at least 2 hours before boarding. A confirmation text message will then be sent to you, confirming your exact boarding time.